* friday:2 diff. dinner parties. ahhh good times =D. after that my patna house to juss chill nd all tht good stuff
* saturday: african picnic!! lol saw all my cousins. there all growin upp awwww lol. in the nightime chilled at kay's house for bout 10 mins, then headed wit my nigga peace over to marshall to see the fireworks. unfortunately we was watchin it while driving smh. after that, went to this wide-ass block party with nuthin but hoeeyyss =D. but, as usual, ''gangsters'' started shootin' so everybody left. i did too, too my lady homie's casa =D. came home at 3 in the morn' and didn't get in trouble. thank the lord.
* sunday: woke up late, missed church smh. but went to 2 african meetings and kicked it with the cousins again. african party crew is here mayne!!

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