_ Ahh man, this might be long and might not be. Well for starters, there is alot of fakeness STILL roaming around me that is not cool. I absolutely hate when my niggas act differently just because a female is in his face. WTF whatever happened to bros before hoes dude. I can only trust two niggas who will not change for nobody, and that's Donnie and Jeffrey. No matter what these two hoes are always there mayne idc bout anyone else really, no shoutouts, no "big-ups" no nothing. As for the opposite sex, ahhhh there are too many real females to list, but they know who they are. Never trust what any girl says to you though. I never trusted a female since one ate the forbidden fruit mayne. Almost everyone is the same, nobody sticks to what they say anymore. I've realized that in the past couple of days. The low-key Myles seems to be the Myles that has the best life, and the least worries. I still have fun, i.e. parties, showing up to random events, swangin' on the street with my niggas, but at the end of the day, it's just me and my money that matter. My life does not revolve around money, although many people think it does. It is just one major factor in my life, and as much as people try to change my opinion about it, the more I want some. Me and Donnie recently started advertising our K.o.D shirts, and we have both been able to realize who is real and who is not. I still do not understand the excuses some people will make. Everybodies excuse is, "I don't have any money." WTF. My nigga Donnie has no job and still has enough cake to buy a $25 shirt with no second guessing. Little things piss me off and make me go ape sometimes, but it's because I know some of my "patnas" can do better than that. When a girl talks so much shit about you and you know it, then you turn around and continue talking to the same girl, you're basically classified as a pussy ass nigga. Most fools don't get second chances in my book, and if you are a female that I gave a second chance to, it's because I only want one thing, and you know what it is. Not blasting anybody, yet, but I don't understand how people can just be so hypocritical. I am too, so the finger can get pointed at me also, but I don't ever deny it. Like I said before, certain things piss me off to the point of me questioning why I even associate myself with these dumbasses. Ugghh, lol I think once a week or so I will do these random blogs, but they will be about a specific person, instead of in general. Controversy sells!